
A bride in a white dress and veil walks down a wooden boardwalk next to a man in a suit towards an outdoor gathering. The setting features a picturesque lake and mountains in the background, with seated guests on both sides of the aisle.

How to Market Your Wedding Photography Business

Marketing is probably the least favorite but most important part of being a photographer. You just want to make art but the reality is you have to sell it first. Let’s talk about the wonderful world of wedding photography business marketing.

Canon Cracked Image

Canon Has an Image Problem

Canon has an image problem and I'm not talking about photos. The company currently has a battle on three fronts when it comes to the perception of its brand: no third-party lens options, the actions of its printer division, and the company's stance on climate change.

Why Referrals Are Key in Marketing Your Wedding Photography

There are countless marketing strategies used by wedding photographers, but referrals are key in marketing your wedding photography. When starting or growing your business you’ll likely have to implement a variety of marketing techniques. As you fine-tune your process it becomes easy to see the value of referrals.

5 Photography Marketing Practices That Actually Work in 2023

The greatest challenge of photography is constantly finding new clients. Building a website, running ads, capturing and nurturing leads, and booking projects can be overwhelming for any solopreneur. Thankfully there are tools like Honeybook, Dubsado, and Bloom, which enable creatives to present themselves professionally online and get new business. But regardless of what tools you use, the following marketing strategies are essential to growing a photography practice.

A photographer on the phone while doing a photo shoot

The Secret to Selling Your Photography is Finding Your Audience

Although it’s tempting to believe that anyone and everyone is a potential customer for your photography, your actual target customer base is much more limited. Finding customers who are likely to buy your photos without spending exorbitantly to acquire them is the key to any successful marketing campaign.

Get Hired: Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Your Archive

How can you distinguish yourself from other photographers? That’s the essential question every photographer embarking on a marketing strategy should be asking. But when it comes to a dedicated marketing strategy, there are a lot of options: email newsletters, printed promos sent via snail mail, social media posts, networking at in-person or virtual events, even cold calling editors.

How to Do Email Marketing as a Photographer: Here is Expert Advice

There’s a reason that 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. Email marketing is a valuable tool for photographers to promote their work to potential and existing clients. Virtually every person on the internet has an email address, and email marketing is an effective way to send messages directly to customers and gain prospective clients by reaching an already engaged audience.

Don’t Make the Critical Facebook and Instagram Photography Mistake

I have a good friend that uses Facebook as his photography business’s digital platform. I have multiple friends that use Instagram as their portfolio. This also goes for, yes to a lesser degree, using Behance, Tumbler, Model Mayhem, Imgur, and Flickr as a portfolio destination.

Instagram for Photographers: Expert Advice on Best Practices

Instagram has nearly 500 million active users per day and pulls in engagement rates 23% higher than Facebook and 84 times higher than Twitter. With statistics like these, it’s the ultimate social media tool for photographers to share their work with clients worldwide.

The Value of Self-Assigned Work as a Professional Photographer

Commercial photography is as saturated a marketplace as any these days. With such stiff competition, it’s no wonder brands are raising the bar on those of us trying to break our way into the industry. No experience? No thanks.

How to Build Your Web Presence as a Photographer

Years ago, simply having a good website was enough for a photographer. Updating your site once every year was okay, and it basically existed as a digital version of your print portfolio. It was not the primary way that potential clients evaluated you. Today, it’s a vastly different landscape.

The Inevitable Convergence of Social Media, Commerce, and Visual Content

You walk through the supermarket aisle until you face various choices for the product you wish to eat. In the case of cereals, it can be 20 or more different options. You reach out and pick one, which you feel is the right decision based on a well-educated process.

15 Unignorable Ways to Show Your Photographs

We live in a world of visual bombardment. According to the research company Internet Live Stats, there are over 1,000 photographs uploaded to Instagram alone every second. When you factor in our universal personal attention deficit, one must wonder how one gets their precious photographs seen. Here are 15 unignorable ways to show your photographs to help get past the digital clutter.

5 Marketing Tactics Every Photographer Needs to Know

As photographers, we all know marketing is important. We regularly hear that it can make or break a business. Good marketing can help you stand out. We’ve all wondered how and why some photographers have hundreds of thousands of followers when others are struggling to even hit triple digits.

IKEA Recreated Its 2021 Catalog Using ‘Photos’ from Animal Crossing

IKEA's catalog is almost iconic in the photo community. But if you were up in arms when they started replacing photos with realistic CGI, then you're really not going to like this... IKEA Taiwan recently redid key pages in its 2021 catalog using in-game 'photos' from the latest Animal Crossing video game.